Putting Business in Place

Pillars of a Business
Foundations of a Business
Successful Business

Business Framework

SUT Business Framework

There are many aspects to a business. From sales and marketing to operation, from backend system to research and development, everything seems to be interlinked. It is said everything rises and falls with leadership. While the key to a successful business is/are the leader(s) behind the business, there are several aspects of a business that a business leader has to identify.

At SUT Consulting, we identify 7 key aspects to a business. We call it SHARPLY which are namely:

  • S- Sales & Marketing
  • H - Human Resource
  • A - Accounts & Finance
  • R - Research & Development
  • P - Production & Process
  • L - Legal
  • Y - You

The 7 Pillars of a Business

Business Foundation Framework

Principles & Values

Your company's principles and values are what that creates your brand. It represents what the company stands for. Every customer is bombarded with many advertisements trying to sell them their products. But in the long term, it is the brand of your business that keeps them coming back. It is your principles and values that they can identify themselves with your brand. We have seen many articles or videos on brand. This speech below by Steve Jobs probably nails it the best.

Business Models

A business model, according to Oxford dictionary is defined as "a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the intended customer base, products, and details of financing". There are so many other definitions provided by other institutions. To keep it simple term, we define a business model as how a company makes money. Now, this is different from a marketing idea that may change from time to time to increase sales revenue. Also, how a company makes money may also changes with time as company develops new business models through business model innovation. A typical business model like the printer by Hewlett Packard is not to make money by selling the printer but by selling the ink cartridges for long term use of the printer. What is your business model? Is it time to innovate? The business canvas is a simple tool which also explains a business model for your viewing below.

Exit Strategies

It is said that one should plan one's exit before one start. There are several exits an entrepreneur can plan for. However we realised the choice of an exit is very dependent on the entrepreneur himself or herself. Some entrepreneurs adopts a build-to-sell approach to their business while some believes in a built-to-last legacy. No one should be the judge; you built it, you decide. We have summarised exit strategies into 3 main types namely Termination, Private and Public Exit Strategies. Each strategy is then broken down into sub-strategies as explained below. We have also highlighted the underlying consideration of the exit strategies in the Map developed by SUT below.

SUT Business Exit Strategies Map



Every business needs funding. There are lots of seminar teaching how to start a business with zero money. Let us put those aside and assume usually it is the entrepreneur is the one that provided the initial funding for the company. But as the business scale, the entrepreneur may soon find he runs out of his money and must seek OPM (Other People's Money) to continue to run his/her business. For entrepreneur who plans to go public, it is important to plan its financial road map. The various types of financing are explained in the tabs below. The funding strategy map is also provided below.

SUT Funding Strategies updated

Let us build the 7 Pillars and 4 Foundations of Your Business with You.